Create New Club

We have a large, indoor gun club that hosts numerous USPSA Matches and shooters. We enjoyed USPSA for at least 10 years, but a couple of us were looking for something new to try. Luckily, Pine Tree Pistol Club is always receptive to offering new shooting disciplines for their many members. The amazing part was how easy the ICORE management team made it for us to start an ICORE club. Everyone at ICORE was friendly, helpful, and excited for us! We have been running monthly matches for about a year, and most matches are well-attended with a great group of shooters!
Even though I have found some success in USPSA, I have more fun shooting my revolvers in ICORE matches! Please feel free to reach out to us if we can answer questions or if you need any help getting your club started!
—Jim Jensen (IL4466) & Tom Gehl (WI4130) (Match Directors of the "Rockford Revolver Shooters", Rockford, IL)

Club Creation Form

List two current ICORE members:
List Regularly Scheduled Matchs or Events for the ICORE Website:
Please verify you are human by entering the sum of three plus five into the following field as a single digit number: